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Begin to see your world through God’s eyes, not through your physical eyes.

Our primary problem today is that we cannot see the way we should. Our physical eyes work, but our spiritual eyes are underdeveloped because of neglect. The Bible says we must walk by faith and not by sight, yet most of us walk by sight and not by faith.

If you do not believe me, then take this simple test. When you woke up this morning, what were you worried about? What was the first thing to weigh on your mind? Whatever it was, it may well mark the place where you stopped trusting God and started seeing your problems with your natural eyes instead of your spiritual ones.

When you worry about something, you allow it to put stress on your emotions and physical body. You are walking by sight. If you operate in true faith in God, you will let Him handle the situation. The problem is that when we fail to see a situation through God’s eyes, we focus on the problem rather than on the answer. That is not kingdom living!

Turn your walk around. Walk by faith, not by sight. Begin to see your world through God’s eyes, not through your physical eyes.

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